Privacy Policy

1. Purpose of Processing Personal Information

Yiyol ('Yiyol', '', hereinafter 'Yiyol') processes personal information for the following purposes and does not use it for purposes other than the following.

2. Period of Processing and Retention of Personal Information

Yiyol ('Yiyol', '', hereinafter 'Yiyol') processes and retains personal information within the agreed period received from the information subject or within the period specified by law.

The specific period of processing and retention of personal information is as follows:

3. Rights and Obligations of Information Subjects and Their Legal Representatives, and How to Exercise Them

As the owner of personal information, the information subject can exercise the following rights.

  1. Request to access personal information
  2. Request for correction if there is an error
  3. Request for deletion
  4. Request to stop processing

4. Items of Personal Information Processed

Yiyol ('Yiyol', '', hereinafter 'Yiyol') processes the following personal information items.

5. Destruction of Personal Information

In principle, Yiyol ('Yiyol', '', hereinafter 'Yiyol') destroys personal information without delay once the purpose of processing personal information is achieved. The procedures, deadlines, and methods for destruction are as follows:

6. Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices

Yiyol ('Yiyol', '', hereinafter 'Yiyol') does not use 'cookies' that store and retrieve the user's usage information.

7. Personal Information Protection Officer

Yiyol ('Yiyol', '', hereinafter 'Yiyol') is responsible for the overall handling of personal information and has designated a personal information protection officer as follows to handle complaints and remedy damages related to personal information processing.

Personal Information Protection Officer

Information subjects can direct all personal information protection inquiries, complaints, and damage remedies that occur while using Yiyol ('Yiyol', '', hereinafter 'Yiyol') services to the Personal Information Protection Officer and related departments. Yiyol ('Yiyol', '', hereinafter 'Yiyol') will respond to and handle inquiries without delay.

8. Changes to the Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies from the effective date, and any additions, deletions, or corrections to the contents following changes in laws or policies will be notified through announcements 7 days before the implementation of the changes.

9. Measures to Ensure the Safety of Personal Information

In accordance with Article 29 of the Personal Information Protection Act, Yiyol ('Yiyol', '', hereinafter 'Yiyol') takes the following technical, managerial, and physical measures to ensure the safety of personal information.

  1. Regular self-audits

    To ensure the safety of personal information handling, we conduct regular self-audits (once a quarter).

  2. Access control to personal information

    We take necessary measures for access control by granting, changing, and revoking access rights to the personal information processing database system, and we use intrusion prevention systems to control unauthorized access from outside.

  3. Control of access by unauthorized persons

    We establish and operate procedures for controlling access to the physical storage locations of personal information.